

a) Definition of SME / 中小型企业新定义

制造业 年度营业额不超过5000万令吉 或 全职雇员不超过200人
服务业及其他领域 年度营业额不超过2000万令吉 或 全职雇员不超过75人

b) Membership Category and Subscription Fee / 会员类别与会员费

普通会员:a)本地注册公司或企业,并拥有超过50%股权为大马人所持有,并被归类为中小型企业 b)主要由中小型企业业者组成的商团(成员超过50%) RM2000一次性 RM 50
联合会员:a)马来西亚集团、商号、机构,有进行商务活动,但并不归类为中小型企业b) 在大马成立的商团,但多数成员并非由中小型企业业者组成c)合法外国公司与外国商团 RM2000一次性 RM 50


**Nominated Representative (2) applicable only for an Ordinary Member which is a Trade Association / 提名代表(2)只适用于商团的普通会员

Nature of Business / Industry 行业类别/领域

I/we hereby apply to become a member of the SME Association of Malaysia and certify that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge. If accepted, I/we agree to be bound by the Constitution of Association and rules of Association for the time-being in force. Also enclosed are certified copies copies of the following documents of the Company / Association: Section 14 Form or Company Profile or Borang D/E issued by SSM / Borang 3 issued by Registrar of Society. 我/我们特此申请成为马来西亚中小企业公会会员,并证明上述资料之真实性。若然接受,我/我们同意接受为当下有效之公会章程和公会条规所约束。同时随附公司/商团文件核证副本:Section 14表格或公司简介,或 SSM 签发之 Borang D/E,或协会注册官签发之 Borang 3。
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