(2020年4月1日)ATCEN网上研讨会系列:中小型企业业务可持续性 – 我们能生存多久?

(2020年4月1日)ATCEN网上研讨会系列:中小型企业业务可持续性 – 我们能生存多久?

FREE & open to ANYONE & EVERYONE! Limited to 100 participants

Last Friday’s Economic Stimulus Plan announced by the Malaysian Government left many SME owners DISAPPOINTED. In the aftermath of the announcement, SME Association Malaysia and Bizsphere Sdn Bhd undertook a sustainability survey for SMEs. This resulted in over 15,000 responses within 18 hours. On Monday, these two panelist below presented the findings to the respective Ministers on the dire situation facing most SMEs. Join us here for more details and further updates. A MUST JOIN FOR ALL SMEs.

• The Findings from the SME Business Sustainability Survey?
• What has been communicated to Government?
• Is there any positivity within the next 3 months?

Topic: SME Business Sustainability – How long can we survive?
Date: Wednesday, 1 April 2020
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm (GMT+8) Malaysia

• Datuk Michael Kang, National President – SME Association of Malaysia (www.smemalaysia.org)
• Yap Keng Teck, Managing Consultant – Bizsphere Brand & Marketing Group (bizsphere.com.my)

• Jeremy Lee, Principal Consultant, ATCEN Sdn Bhd (atcen.com)

To claim your seat, register here:

Register and Join Zoom Meeting: bit.ly/smesustainability

Meeting ID: 860 429 791
Password: 001714

• Do login by 11:15 am to ensure you get the best experience.
• When the webinar begins, you will be connected to audio using your computer’s microphone and speakers. A headset or earphones is best to hear the panelists. Please mute your microphone.
• In order for everyone to fully benefit from the session, we welcome you to type your question(s) in the chat box. We will compile the questions and our panelists will respond to it.
• To make sure your question is top of the list, you may email it by 9:00 am to: adam.aeg@atcen.com

Thank you and see you at the webinar!