[LIVE WEBINAR] The National Recovery Initiatives (PEMULIH) under PERKESO and Key Labour and Employment Issues and Challenges

[LIVE WEBINAR] The National Recovery Initiatives (PEMULIH) under PERKESO and Key Labour and Employment Issues and Challenges

1. What is PEMULIH under PERKESO?
2. How does PEMULIH under PERKESO helps my business?
3. What and how do I claim from PEMULIH programs?
4. How do I manage staffs working from home?
5. How do I handle retrenchment of workers?

Distinguished speakers:

• Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Mohd Sahar Bin Darusman, Head of the Employment Insurance System (EIS) Office
• Yang Berusaha Tuan Haji Wan Zulkifli bin Wan Setapa, Director of Labour, Department of Labour Sabah.

Join us on:
Date: 31 July 2021
Time: 10.00 am
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84719804364