We Care, We Share Charity Aims To Provide Support For Impoverished Families | 援助千名贫困孩童 · “光爱传承,让爱传递”开跑

We Care, We Share Charity Aims To Provide Support For Impoverished Families | 援助千名贫困孩童 · “光爱传承,让爱传递”开跑

Kuala Lumpur, 18 December 2020: Adhering to the belief of inheriting and spreading love,  SME Association of Malaysia in collaboration with the Shanghai Businesswomen Social Club (SBSC) and Rotary Club of Rahman Putra is organising a charity event with the objective of providing financial support to impoverished families in Malaysia.

One of the distinct goals of organising this charity event is to provide help and improve the livelihood of disadvantaged groups in society, especially children from impoverished families. This charity drive will benefit a total of 1,000 children and will start from January 2021.

“This charity event is to set up as a benchmark for fulfilling corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the Malaysian business community,” said Ms Ada Poon, Chairman of SME Malaysia (Women Entrepreneurs & Young Entrepreneurs Division). The organisers aim to achieve a fundraising goal of RM200,000 and the funds will be disbursed as follows:

Primary Student Aid

Secondary Student Aid

Renovation For Unsupported Orphanages

Orphanage Visits

Field Learning

This fundraising event calls upon sponsors to become a corporate charity ambassador (31 pax only) to help children below the poverty line and needy families to achieve a better livelihood and mode of living.

“Impact of Life-to-Life”, We aim to educate the youths among us to have greater kindness, gratitude and eventually become Little Angels. Let our youths be more mindful that a little generosity can go a long way to greatly affect a person’s life”, said Datin Cherlin Cheah, Madame President of Shanghai Businesswoman Social Club (SBSC). Piggy banks have been ordered by the organiser for 500 donors to save RM1 a day for three months as donations for the charity drive.

“The event was dedicated to helping and improving the lives of the B40 disadvantaged groups and the beneficiaries will receive a Rotary Club card, which contains funds for the students to buy meals and stationery in school,” said Mr. Chua Keng Soon, Charter President Rotary Club of Rahman Putra.

A press Conference for the charity event was held on 18th December 2020 at SME Association of Malaysia Headquarters in Subang Jaya. Guests included  Mr. Chin Chee Seong, National Vice President of SME Association of Malaysia, Ms. Ada Poon, Chairman of  SME Association of Malaysia (Women Entrepreneurs & Young Entrepreneurs Division), Ms. Miccele Siow, Vice Chairman of  SME Association of Malaysia (Women Entrepreneurs & Young Entrepreneurs Division), Datin Cherlin Cheah, Madame President of Shanghai Businesswoman Social Club (SBSC), Mr. Chua Keng Soon, Charter President Rotary Club of Rahman Putra and Dato’ Dr Catherine Pang, Organising Chairman.

援助千名贫困孩童 · “光爱传承,让爱传递”开跑















拉曼布特拉扶轮社宪章主席蔡景顺说,该活动是由马来西亚中小企业公会、商海女企业社会俱乐部(SBSC)、拉曼布拉特扶轮社(Rotary Club of Rahman Putra)和扶轮 Kasih 生活转型计划(Rotary Kasih)共同举办,致力于为B40弱势群体给予帮助及改善生活。






“光爱传承,让爱传递”有4个项目,其一是根据校方提供的资料,为3所小学和3所中学各50名清寒学生提供资助,每名小学生和中学生各可获得每月60和80令吉的援助,项目费用为10万5000令吉;其二是每年为2家孤儿院进行翻新,给予孩子舒适的家园及有效的照顾,费用为5万令吉;其三是一年拜访和资助500令吉给30所有执照的孤儿院,费用为1万5000令吉;其四是为没有获得辅助的孤儿院提供户外学习,让参与者能达到3H,即开心、健康及受用(Happy、Healthy 、Helpful),费用为3万令吉。


出席者有马来西亚中小企业公会副会长陈棋雄, 马来西亚中小企业公会女企团及青年团主席潘艳红及副主席萧莉倩,商海女企业家俱乐部主席拿汀谢进潾, 拉曼布特拉扶轮社宪章主席蔡景顺先生以及活动主席拿督彭美仪博士等人。